Wellness Concierge
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Wellness Concierge

Introducing our Wellness Concierge — a personalised, five-star service dedicated to guiding and supporting you through your physical and mental wellness journey.

With our expert team, you’re never alone.

We craft a bespoke wellness plan tailored to your unique needs, gaining deep insights into your current situation and identifying the areas where support is needed most.

By seamlessly coordinating you with our top practitioners, we ensure a streamlined approach that allows you to focus on the specific modalities that will swiftly restore your sense of empowerment.

Let us accompany you on your journey to wellness and vitality.

Your path to wellness,
guided with care.

Physical Wellbeing


Naturopathic complementary medicine is a holistic, systems-biology approach aimed at identifying and addressing the underlying causes of disease. Each symptom or differential diagnosis could be just one of several factors contributing to an individual’s illness. During your consultation, we gather comprehensive insights into your health and well-being using advanced health screening tools. We then work to rebalance your body through targeted changes in diet, lifestyle, behaviour, and appropriate supplementation.

Body Transformation

Our fitness coaches provide a comprehensive anti-aging approach to movement, enhancing body composition across all life stages. These coaching sessions are not only informative but also ensure consistency and motivation, helping you achieve and maintain long-term fitness goals. Movement is key to longevity, positively impacting metabolism, bone health, brain function, and mental wellbeing.

TCM – 5 Elements

Traditional Chinese Medicine works via 5 elements: fire, water, earth, wood and metal — as they are associated with different organs, emotions, biological functions, seasons, colours and other aspects of life. In TCM, health is seen as a state of balance and harmony between the different elements, and when this occurs you are able to restore wholeness and healing to your energy, mind and body. During your consultation, our practitioner will evaluate your lifestyle, health issues, diet, as well as establish your dominant elemental personality type, so that a streamlined treatment protocol, and a comprehensive lifestyle program is personalised to you.

Finding your way begins by taking the first step in the right direction.

Mental Wellbeing


Meditation is the most effective technique to enhance your cognitive potential. It is a science-based technique that anyone can learn, and is recognised as the perfect antidote to modern stress and anxiety as well as help you become more productive and adaptable to the demands of modern day life.


The foundations provided by sound breathing mechanics, efficient and effective use of oxygen and the ability to control the automatic responses to pressure, stress and fear can propel performance and wellbeing to advanced levels.

Psychotherapy & Counselling

Good Journeying’s holistic psychologists are dedicated to uncovering unproductive thoughts and emotional patterns that reinforce limiting beliefs and behaviors. Grounded in practical techniques, these sessions focus on specific relationship issues, health concerns, and mindsets, equipping individuals with new skills and perspectives for enduring change.

High Performance Coaching

Our high-performance coaches assist you in navigating pivotal moments more effectively, empowering you to achieve your full potential across all aspects of life. Research shows that individuals with clear plans and goals are more likely to achieve sustained success. Ideal for those seeking to enhance behaviour, work-life balance, health, resilience, stress management, mental and physical performance.

Human Design

During your personalised human design consultation, you’ll gain a deep understanding of your core identity and receive a unique roadmap for living in alignment with your soul’s plan, both personally and professionally. Our facilitator will decode your chart, providing foundational insights for growth, addressing your personality type, energetic operations, dominant life themes, and guiding you toward empowerment and self-love.

Astrology & Numerology

Your astrological blueprint serves as a comprehensive guide to illuminate and inspire clarity, revealing the key to your unique life path, personality, and identity. This reading will deepen your understanding of life’s purpose, character strengths, challenges, career paths, behavioral tendencies, ancestral patterns, and relationships, empowering you to navigate life with purpose and direction.

Enquiry Form

Discover more about our transformative Wellness Concierge service by submitting an enquiry and connecting with our team.